Sunday, March 29, 2009

the trip

just got back from one-week-trip to Hong Kong and KL. a lot to write but my eyes refuse to open any longer. 
so here I post some of the pics to spill some tiny bits of the whole fun.

welcome to Hong Kong

the hustle and bustle of the city

cant help admiring the colorful neon-banners

one hectic corner around Bukit Bintang

the famous twin

genting. 5am

new beer in town haha

the room I stayed in. the mess I caused. the one I now miss.

the essence of the trip; this dumb face I havent seen for ages. 
The one I used to spend every single day of my long break before I came to Japan with, honking outside my door, driving  somewhere unplanned with private jokes, super songs and idle talks along the way, sneaking around, and do bunch of other random stuffs. I MISS YOU!!

because I said "one day I'll be knocking on  your door"
and there I was =)


lomokotiv said...

seru aja jalan2 k HKKL haaaaah..
one question, beli lomo dan kawan2nya g di HK? hahaha

rara kinanti said... ga di hongkong..belinya di KL.hehe. di HK malah ga sempet ke toko lomo nih. adanya dmn sih? jd klo ksana lg bs mampir hehee

denns said...

oh i miss those timessss =((

Unknown said...

i doo..i dooo..ayo kesini!!